Summer 2016 Bucket List

Sunday, March 27, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

In my previous blog post I mentioned that this year I really want to make my summer memorable. For weeks I've been trying to plan out the things I want to do and wondering about the things I could or should do. So, last night, at  12 midnight, I decided to create a summer bucketlist.

I'm Going to Camp... NaNoWriMo 2016!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

I guess an apology for my absence should be here, but the sole reason for my absence is school (which is, thankfully, over now!) and a broken keyboard (which is also out  of the way since we  just bought a new one!).

Anyway, since summer has started rolling in. I decided to do something productive and also fun for the first month of summer. And it's Camp...
