
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3 Comments A+ a-

This was inspired by a post from Joey Rambles!

First things first (did ya see what I did there?), I wanted to make the post title "My First Time" but nope too much innuendo. Worry not, it's not what you're thinking. This post will quite literally contain all (or most) of my firsts - first time out of the country, first YA Series, first crush, etc. 


Saturday, January 23, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I realized it pretty late, but my blog just turned 2! I can't believe I've been at it for 2 years. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't joined the list of failed websites I create and delete every now and then. Anyway, as you may (or may not) notice, I gave the blog another major template change. I haven't touched the overall look of the place in a while and I decided to do it as some sort of celebration.

So here's to 2 years of blogging!

2016 and Still Procrastinatin' and Ramblin'

Sunday, January 17, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I tried to make the title rhyme, give me some credit. It was either that or New Year, New Me.

I was supposed to put up a picture of my own during New Year's, but guess what I am still super lazy. Credits to the original owner of the photo used above.

Anyway, happy new year, everyone! 
It's a little late, but technically I still have the entirety of the year to say that.

So, needless to say, I failed the 12 Posts of Christmas Challenge again. It's all good though because I had so much fun doing it and at least I got about halfway through it. I'm pretty proud of that achievement.

Anywho, so how was your vacation? Hopefully you all had a blast (see what I did there? *wenk wenk*)! 
Mine went pretty well. We spent Christmas at home and held a small party with relatives and then we went up North to spend New Year's at our farm along with some cousins. I missed the open space so much. We went biking (and guess who took sore-ass loser literally), we played American football (or y'know took turns throwing the weirdly shaped ball), and on New Year's morning, we went up a mountain and stopped by a river (#nature). All in all, it was awesome.

I could spend the whole day writing about how sucky 2015 was for me and how much I want it to end, but I still have to watch the Sherlock Special instead I'll just talk about how much I'm looking forward to 2016!

The first few weeks of 2016 were absolute trash, to be honest. With the passing away of David Bowie and Alan Rickman (this broke my heart and I was unable to function for a full 2 days). Plus exams were a few days ago, which absolutely sucked too. Also because Deadpool got an official rating and I'm going to have to see it with an adult. I'm not sure if it's just the woman hormones (I was bleeding a few days ago), but the first weeks of January was absolute, utter crap.

But, I won't let all the sad things get in the way of the happiness I'm hoping future days will bring. This 2016, I hope to stay motivated, read more books, write more stuff (even though it's crap), stay hydrated, and eat more. Generally, I just want to be happier than last year. I know it sounds super cliche and about 8263978629 people already said that, but I really have no argument for this so I'll just leave it to that.

Anyway, onto another note; Procrastinating. 2016 and I am still a professional.

I've been wanting to film a short thing for Valentine's Day and I've been planning it since December, but I just can't seem to push myself to do it. I've made a lot of, albeit embarrassing short films in the past and I guess the main reason why I haven't been filming new ones is because I feel like I will never be able to be good at it. When the truth is, the only way to be good at it and gain experience is to just do it. I would love to put Shia right here, right now, but I won't do it because I'm being serious here ( or at least I think I am ).

Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.
Francis Chan

I do fear succeeding at things that don't matter. Honestly, everything I claim to be the best at don't really matter. I claim to make the world's best mug of oatmeal (yes, mug). I claim to be a good writer. I claim to be a filmmaker (who refuses to make anything). I claim to be good at hand-lettering.

But what the hell, I shouldn't be letting that fear stop me from doing the things I love. Fine I'm good at useless things and that might not exactly land me a good college and an excellent job, but hey I'm happy.

That's what I want to say by the end of this year.

That's what I want to say by the end of this life.
