Catching Up

Thursday, January 09, 2014 2 Comments A+ a-

So much for blogging on a regular basis, I’m really sorry for neglecting the place. I swear my teachers are trying to kill us these past few days. Anyways, I’m going to be posting the updates that I missed when the weekend comes. For now, I just want to show you the video I passed for that contest last week, which unfortunately, I did not win. You can view my Stop Motion/Time Lapse video here. Also, I’m still working on the blog’s design and currently creating a header (is that what it’s called?). So, hopefully the place won’t look so empty after a week or two.

We went to a local bookstore last weekend, but I wouldn’t call it a book haul since the only thing I bought was this really cheap activity book about the Naked Brothers Band. Wait, let me explain. I used to love this band when I was, like, nine years old, and I’ve always wanted some kind of merchandise of the band. And I found one on a stack of books on sale, it was really cheap, so I bought it.

I don’t exactly have the money yet, so I don’t think I’ll be able to go on a book haul this weekend. Perhaps next week I will, though. Also, watch out for the next blog post for the (really late) Monday Mixtape! J

So yeah, see you next weekend! 
The Sempiternal Reader,

A Veterinarian in the making. She loves dogs, turtles, pastries, books, and videogames.


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Rhiannon Mair
19 January 2014 at 02:58 delete

The Naked Brothers Band?! My goodness, that brings back memories! And I'm glad I'm not the only one without any money to book haul - or the only one that actually does (my parents/friends think I'm a bit obsessive!)

26 January 2014 at 09:20 delete

Finally, someone who understands! Hahahaha. Don't worry most of my friends think I'm insane. ;) Oh and thanks a bunch for reading thiiiisss! :D


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