they both die at the end

Friday, October 06, 2017 2 Comments A+ a-

Check out that title that's in all lower cases for ~aesthetic~. It's literally midnight, I just finished Adam Silvera's newest book, They Both Die at The End and bOI did I die with them. I wouldn't really call this a review and I'd say it's pretty spoiler-free (the title already spoiled ya'll enough) so it's fine if you haven't read the book yet. Although, I highly recommend that you do.

They Both Die at the End is Adam Silvera's newest book. If he sounds familiar, that's 'cause he's also the author of More Happy Than Not which you might have heard of since it's pretty popular around the Booktube community. It's also one of my favorite books, so when I found out that Adam was releasing a new book last month, ya gurl spent güd money on a pre-ordered copy because I am impatient and my life revolves around books.

It took me quite a while to finish this book though since I had to study for CETs and school was in the way, but tonight, I finally had the time to just stay in bed and read. And that, my friends, is how I died.

The story revolves around Rufus Emeterio and Mateo Torrez. They live in the world where there's this company called Death-Cast whose job is to call you on the day you're supposed to die. On September 5th, a little over midnight, Mateo and Rufus receive their calls. The two are brought together by this app called Last Friend, where Deckers - those about to die - can find a new friend to spend their last day with. Mateo and Rufus meet up to hopefully have one last great adventure and to live a lifetime in a single day.

This book packs such an emotional punch, in a very Adam Silvera-way. And frankly enough, it's about dying - but it's also about living. It's about not wasting away your days being scared of taking risks. It's about not having to wait until your last day on Earth to tell your friends and your family how much they mean to you. It's about living your life instead of fearing when it will end.

"I've spent years living safely to secure a longer life and look where that's gotten me. I'm at the finish line but I never run the race."

Our world doesn't have anything like Death-Cast. No one will be able to tell you and no one will be able to know when your last day on this world will be. I guess the reason I found this book so endearing is because I felt like the message it was trying to give me was personal. Like it was some kind of hand-crafted slap to the face to remind me to stop being so afraid of everything to the point that I end up doing nothing with my life.

"There has to be more to life than just imagining a future for yourself. I can't just wish for the future; I have to take risks to create it."

They Both Die at the End is such a powerful novel because not only does it address thoughts about life and death so beautifully without sounding fake, pretentious, and apathetic, but it also highlights friendship, family, and love - and how strong these are.

"You may be born into a family but you walk into friendships. Some you'll discover you should put behind you. Others are worth every risk."
 My eyes are beginning to give up on me, so I think I'll wrap it up here. Ultimately, I think this book deserves to be read by everyone because it's a reminder - a simple message - to live our lives, love until our hearts burst, because we don't know when this is all going to end. Unlike books, there are no spoiler-y covers, no time stamp to your existence, no visible concrete ending.

I hope you have a wonderful day - wherever you are right now. Keep pushing on because hey you're already alive and you have all the time in the world to be dead, so stay alive, okay?


A Veterinarian in the making. She loves dogs, turtles, pastries, books, and videogames.


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25 October 2017 at 11:03 delete

i loved your review, i think i'm going to check this out. i love that last quote 'some are worth every risk'. really sat with me. xx

3 December 2017 at 16:00 delete

Thanks! It's a really good book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did <3 I'd love to hear your thoughts on it too!


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