Back to School Blues

Sunday, May 24, 2015 5 Comments A+ a-

I've got less than a week left before we go back to school which sucks. I feel like all my internet friends are celebrating the end of their finals and the start of their summer.

And I'm just here like..

With school back, I probably won't be updating regularly again or at all. Which, again, sucks. I'm entering 10th Grade this year which is a pretty big thing because we're the Philipines' first batch to undergo K to 12 curriculum. Basically, we're lab rats being experimented on. Not really very uplifting.

Anyway, they changed our class schedules to 7AM - 5PM. School starts on June 1 and officially ends on April 1.

I'm trying to cage my annoyance on the matter, but I can't help but feel.. sucky.

Anyway, I just wanted to apologize in advance for my absence (and probably the obliteration of my brain as well). I really hope I can cope with the new schedules and that I can still squeeze in activities such as blogging and reading books other than textbooks.

Also, I'll be posting kind of a wrap-up for the last month of May. It's a book-ish wrap-up, though. Sorry if that doesn't sound so interesting, but yeah, I think that'll be my last post for quite a while as I'm facing the gallows.

Wish me luck and I hope you guys have a great summer!


I created a simple all words, no flashy stuff blog where I chronicle my everyday which means I blog daily. If this seems interesting or if you just wanna see what goes on in my head in a span of 365 days, check it out. It's more of a personal blog and not intended for an audience, but if you'd like to visit it, just go. It's much more of a mess than Sempiternal Reader is though, so fair warning. 

Click here if you're sure you want to read what goes on in my head. Highly advisable that you don't click it though!

A Veterinarian in the making. She loves dogs, turtles, pastries, books, and videogames.


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Rhiannon Mair
25 May 2015 at 16:45 delete

That schedule's awful!!! :( I don't know if I could cope with a 7-5 schoolday, everyday!

I hope you have a lovely week! Good luck with everything! :D

25 May 2015 at 18:31 delete

Aw no! It's similar in Scotland, with the 'lab rat' curriculum thing, and it SUCKS! Good luck with school though, friend! I'm sure you will excel!

25 May 2015 at 22:05 delete

Thank you! Hopefully it's not final yet and they will find it in their hearts to change the schedules :< Thanks again and I hope you have a lovely week too!

25 May 2015 at 22:07 delete

That means a lot, thank you! :) Best of luck on your studies as well. Let us be awesome lab rats and conquer this experiment!

25 May 2015 at 22:07 delete

That sounded a lot better in my head


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