Free Comic Book Day 2015!

Saturday, May 02, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

It's past 11 in the evening from where I am as I type this and the reason I'm up is because I wanted to share how my first saturday of May went! And by first saturday of May, I mean Free Comic Book Day! From what I've heard FCBD is already spent internationally and I want to share how we celebrated today here in the Philippines.

Filbar's, Fully Booked, Comic Odyssey, Planet X, and a lot more participating shops and their specific branches gave out free comic books to everyone who stopped by their stores within the day until supplies last. Of course, each store added a different twist to their celebration.

For example, Filbar's introduced the Flash Pass to avoid long lines. It gives you a 10-minute window to grab your comics and avoid the big crowd. Also, you automatically get a chance to win the raffle and get 50 FCBD comic books when you get your Flash Pass! Here's a peek at our Flash Passes!

huge thanks to my mom, my sister, and a friend for coming with me!

There were also local comic book artists, inkers, sketchers, and whatever you may want to call them present in the event and you can even ask them to sketch something for you on your blank cover variants which Filbar's sold for P150

Filbar's also released Marvel's Comic Book Box that could hold up to 150 comic books all the while looking good!

Both Fully Booked and Filbar's marked down a lot of graphic novels; heaven to many comic book enthusiasts.

I cannot seem to find the photo of the 20% Off signs. Let's just imagine it's right here :)

Here's my little haul from Filbar's earlier today:

How about you? How did you spend the first saturday of May? Did comic book stores near you celebrate FCBD as well? How was it? Share your experiences below! Geekgasms guaranteed, indeed.

The "A" in LAMP,

I'm calling it the end of chick lit week as we say farewell to the month of April. I established my TBR pile for the month of May and almost all of which are Fantasy novels! If April is for chick lit, May is for Fantasy! I'm currently busying myself with Narnia! :)

I spy with my little eye..

two new books added to my TBR pile!

A Veterinarian in the making. She loves dogs, turtles, pastries, books, and videogames.


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7 May 2015 at 11:19 delete

Wait wait wait, hold up! There is a Doctor Who comic? HOW COULD I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?!?!?

Um, excuse my really crazed fangirling. XD The only comic book that I got to collect that day was one based on Avatar: The Last Airbender (not that I'm complaining; I loved the TV show as a kid)!

xoxo Morning

7 May 2015 at 22:30 delete

It's about 10,11, and 12! It's nice to meet a fellow Whovian!! =D

I was actually looking forward to getting the Avatar one too, but there were limited stocks and they ran out really fast!


May the comments be ever in my favor (or not)